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Season of the Wish

Grandmaster Nightfalls for this season:
- Birthplace of the Vile
- HyperNet Current
- Lake of Shadows
- The Corrupted
- Heist Battleground: Moon
- PsiOps Battlegrounds: Cosmodrome

HyperNet Current

This weeks Nightfall the Ordeal is HyperNet Current.

Grandmaster Shields:

Grandmaster Champions:

Support me

If you like the website your free to buy me a beer. You'll get my everlasting thanks, and a very unique badge. Make sure to add your bungie.net name when donating!

Drop a message!

Problems finding your Guardian? Have another feature in mind? Feel free to give me a heads up at nightfall.report@gmail.com.

Cheers, Lander
Weapon meta

These are the most popular weapons for Nightfall the Ordeal completions on Grandmaster difficulty, during this season.

Checking the stats...